
The Finance Departments of the City of Thomson and McDuffie County work cooperatively to manage the financial operations of the local governing bodies while strictly adhering to applicable laws, professional standards and the guidelines of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

Both departments follow a succinct mission: Ensuring the effective and economical use of public resources by maintaining a competent professional staff which provides financial data to departments, public utilities, administration and elected leadership for the purposes of making financial decisions.

Finance Department responsibilities include:

  • Collecting, analyzing and processing data for bond indebtedness, capital projects and grants
  • Investment of cash resources
  • Preparing monthly and annual financial statements
  • Preparing and monitoring the annual budget
  • Processing cash receipts
  • Maintaining fixed assets
  • Processing accounts payable and payroll

Links to individual finance departments, including some associated data such as audits and other reports, are below and to the left.