Elections and Registration

Not sure where to vote? Become a MVP!

Visit My Voter Page at https://Mvp.sos.ga.gov. 


VOTING BY MAIL:  ALL registered voters are eligible to vote by mail. Voters are now required to call the Elections Office and request an application for an absentee ballot no more than 49 days prior to an election. Your application does not carry over from year to year unless you are 65 and older and/or disabled. A new application must be submitted each election year. ALL ballots must be mailed from our office. You cannot pick up a ballot to vote at home. Ballots may be returned in person by the voter or delivered by a relative or caregiver, and through the mail or deposited in the drop box. When sealing your ballot, however, please be mindful of the amount of glue you use to seal your envelope so that it does not adhere to and cause damage to the ballot. Regardless of how the ballot is folded when you receive it, ALWAYS, return your ballot folded as you would a letter you were mailing to a friend (tri-fold). This will aid in efficient and accurate handling of your ballot when being opened during processing.

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Board of Elections

The McDuffie County Board of Elections meets six times each year except during election years when additional meetings may be added. Call or visit  the Elections Office to obtain scheduled meeting dates/times. Currently, all meetings are held in the Grand Jury Room of the Old Courthouse, 337 Main Street, Thomson, GA 30824.

McDuffie County Polling Locations
Title Address
City of Thomson Polling Location
Precinct on Main(Old THS Gym/Across from Brickyard)
525 Main St
Thomson, GA 30824
Town of Dearing Polling Location
Dearing Community Center (next to Pool Hall)
Dearing, GA 30808