Getting Started in Downtown Thomson

We are excited that you are interested in downtown Thomson, and we hope to be of assistance to you during this exciting time in your life. The City of Thomson has a variety of tools and contacts which you may find useful when considering a business in our district. Please let us know if you are seeking information that you do not find on our website-we likely have it or know how to help you find it.
The Planning & Zoning Department serves both the City and County and can assist you through the local requirements to help you expedite finding a location and getting your business up and running quickly.
The business start-up process can be confusing and cumbersome. Fortunately, there is quality, FREE assistance for businesses available throughout Georgia through the Georgia Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network. Local contact is Business Consultant Eric Frickey at (706)-650-5655 or
R.U.R.A.L. ZONE: Revitalizing Underdeveloped Rural Areas Legislation
The R.U.R.A.L. Zone designation provides tax credit incentives to promote the revitalization of vacant rural Georgia downtowns by encouraging investment, job creation, and economic growth in long-established business districts. The purpose of the Rural Zone is to encourage small business investment and job creation to help preserve small town assets and stimulate economic activity. For more information: Georgia Department of Community Affairs
Thomson’s Rural Zone designation benefits, which are in place from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2025, are summarized below. Investment Tax Credits and Rehabilitation Tax Credits are activated by the creation of at least two new full time (or full time equivalent) jobs.
Job Tax Credits
- Must create 2 full-time equivalent jobs
- $2,000 credit per new full-time equivalent job. Not to exceed $40,000 credit per year
- Eligible businesses include professional services or retail
- Credit can be taken for 5 years as long as jobs are maintained
**Download the Rural Zone Tax Credit Calculator Excel spreadsheet below to quickly and easily determine your tax credit based on number of jobs created.
CLICK HERE: RURAL Zone Map of Downtown Thomson
Rehabilitation Tax Credits
- Equivalent to 30% of qualified rehabilitation costs not to exceed $150,000
- Credit should be prorated equally in three installments over three taxable years
- Must create a minimum of two full-time equivalent jobs
Investment Tax Credits
- This credit is for purchasing property downtown within the Rural Revitalization Zone
- Equivalent to 25% of the purchase price not to exceed $125,000
- To claim this tax credit the investment property must be within the designated zone and create two full-time equivalent jobs
- Credit can be claimed over 5 years
James Upchurch
Forward McDuffie
Executive Director
149 Main St
Thomson, GA 30824